80mm Nokia 24:1 Extruding Line, 80-24D w/w/(2) 1.00m Payoffs and Take-ups, 1m Belt Capstan, (2) 80m Accum.
Product Code:EXPL226
Manufacturer:Nokia Maillefer SA
Location: Wadesboro, North Carolina
80mm Nokia Maillefer Extrusion Line Nokia 80-24D line
DAN556/DAN556.1 (2) 24" - 80m Horizontal Accumulators. PAY2288/PAY2288.1 (2) 36"/1m Nokia Shaftless Pay offs, dual hydraulic lift TKU1610,TKU1610.1 (2) 36"/1m Nokia Maillefer Shaftless Take ups, Uhing traverse
EXP1398 80 mm Nokia Maillefer (24 or 20:1 L/D) Extruder Electrically heated, blower cooled Santasalo Gearbox Year of manufacture: 1985 87kW DC Motor, 440 V Screw Crosshead Panel
MSC2841 20m Stainless steel trough CAP8891m Belt Capstan
TST981/TST981.1 Beta Tester TST982 Beta Diameter Gauge
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